About Samantha Earl

I am absolutely delighted to introduce Samantha as part of the Lengro team and know she is excited to get started on this journey with you.

Samantha says: “I started learning about Aromatherapy oils when I was 18; those three years have been tough ha ha. In all seriousness, I have been working with Aromatherapy for over 15 years, how has it been that long???  I have loved the different uses for essential oils and the special results they can create  and they are my go to stress relief. Although I have had this love affair for years, I did take some time out to do a Law and Criminology degree, you know just for fun. I’ve got to say aroma oils were definitely my friend during exam season.

I love reading, writing and helping people. Also, I am always up for travelling so, any tips are greatly appreciated.  So come on, pack up your troubles and let’s go on an adventure.”